Elisabeth Masé

“Who are we – and why are we the way we are? I am concerned with the image of the human being in all its essential facets”.
Elisabeth Masé

Elisabeth Masé

“Who are we – and why are we the way we are? I am concerned with the image of the human being in all its essential facets”.
Elisabeth Masé

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Elisabeth Masé was born in Basel and grew up in Basel, Willisau, Birsfelden and Rünenberg. She studied at the Basel University of Art and Design, HGK/FHNW. From 1984 to 1997 she taught painting and drawing at the HGK/FHNW and in 1994 as a guest lecturer at the State Academy of Art in Oslo and from 1984 to 1997 as a lecturer at the Basel School of Art and Design. 1985-86 Studio grant from the Canton of Basel-Stadt at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. 1986 three-month stay in India. 1987 Swiss Federal Art Prize. 1987, 1988, 1989 Kiefer-Hablitzel Prize. 1992 Rheinbrücke (today Manor) Art Prize Basel. Since 1996 she lives and works in Germany, since 2012 in Berlin. She has exhibited in well-known museums and art associations in Europe and the U.S., including Kunsthalle Palazzo in Liestal, Halle Sud in Geneva, Kunsthalle Basel, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Kunsthalle Bielefeld and Bielefelder Kunstverein; MARTa Chapel and Museum MARTa, Herford; Kunstverein Synagoge, Oerlingshausen, Kunstverein Moabit/Galerie Nord and Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany; Trieste Contemporanea Studio Tommaseo, Trieste, IT; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, New York, US.
Elisabeth Masé lives and works in Berlin.

Works: Kunsthalle Basel, Basler Kunstverein; Bielefeld, Städtisches Klinikum, Capella Hospitalis, Raum der Stille, 2003; Bielefeld, Museum Waldhof, Sitzungsraum im Bielefelder Kunstverein, Der Morgen, 2000; Kunsthalle Bielefeld; Liestal, Sammlung Kunstkredit, Archäologie und Museum Baselland; Liestal, Kantonales Sportzentrum, Besitzbare Skulptur, 1990; Neuchâtel, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire; Neuchâtel, University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Innenhöfe, Les cours etoilées, 2000 (in collaboration with Simon Rösch).

Works in public collections

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, New York, US
Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany
Kunstkredit Basellstadt, Switzerland
Kunstkredit Baselland, Switzerland
Helvetia Versicherungen, Switzerland
Bank Julius Bär, Switzerland
Manor, Geneva, Switzerland


1985 Pariser Stipendium Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris
1987 Swiss Award
1987 Kiefer-Hablitzel-Preis
1988 Kiefer-Hablitzel-Preis
1989 Kiefer-Hablitzel-Preis
1992 Manor Kunstpreis
2011 Kultur-Stern der NW

Exhibitions & Performances

Biennale Passages : « Le Manteau II » performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Bielefeld,
BuchKunst Kleinheinrich: „Das schlafende Krokodil“, gallery soloexhibition and reading, Münster,
Haus Kunst Mitte: «Troubled Nature» group exhibition VdBK 1867, Berlin, Germany
Danse L’Été: “Pour Miles D.” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Strasbourg, France
Ipunintidanza: «Le Manteau II», workshop, exhibition, performance with Tchekpo Dance Company,
Biella, Italy Palmadanza: «Le Manteau II» performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Palma
Mallorca, Spain
Bielefelder Kunstverein:” Das schlafende Krokodil”, reading, Bielefeld, Germany
Abidjan Biennale MASA 2022: «Le Manteau II» performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Côte
d’Ivoire, West Africa
Biennale Artists in Fusion: “W.I.R.” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Bielefeld, Germany
Tanzwerke Vanêk Preuß, Confludance: “Pour Miles D.” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company,
Bonn, Germany
Stadttheater Gießen: “Pour Miles D.” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Germany
Kirche Zum Guten Hirten: „Das Kleid“, „Der Mantel“, „Die Braut“, cycle of three solo exhibitions, Berlin,
Festival Move: “Pour Miles D.” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Krefeld, Germany
Bunker Ulmenwall: “Children and Dictators”, solo exhibition and multi-media performance with sound
artist Oona Kastner Bielefeld, Germany
Kultur-Stiftung St. Matthäus: “Der Mantel”, solo exhibition, cabinet, Berlin, Germany
Kunstquartier Bethanien: “Kunst trotz(t)Ausgrenzung”, group exhibition, workshop, performance with
Tchekpo Dance Company, Berlin, Germany
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art: “The Dress”, exhibition, performative workshop at the international
group exhibition “how the light gets in” Ithaca, New York, USA
Gallery Katharina Maria Raab: “Children and Dictators”, solo exhibition, Berlin, Germany
Herbert of Johnson Museum / Cornell University: “The Dress”, lecture, Ithaca, New York, US
Seattle International Dance Festival: “The Cloak” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company, Seattle,
International Dance Festival Zawiworania: “The Cloak” performance with Tchekpo Dance Company,
Warsaw, Poland
Gallery Katharina Maria Raab, Art Dubai Contemporary, Dubai, UAE
Kunstverein Moabit, Galerie Nord: “Dark Days in Paradise “, double solo exhibition and author’s
reading, Berlin, Germany
Gallery Katharina Maria Raab, Art Miami Untitled 2017, Miami Beach, US
Art Society Trieste Contemporanea/Studio Tomaseo: “Amerika. Give me a reason to love you”, solo
exhibition, panel, Trieste, Italy
Museum Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefelder Kunstverein, Künstlerinnen Forum OWL e.V. : “The Dress”,
performative workshop, solo exhibition and panel, Germany
Gallery Katharina Maria Raab: “Amerika. Give me a reason to love you”, solo exhibition, Berlin,
Gallery Katharina Maria Raab: “Das Kleid”, solo exhibition, performative workshop, Berlin, Germany
Gallery oqbo: “Paperfile#10”, 2014 group exhibition, Berlin, Germany
BuchKunst Kleinheinrich: “Amerika. Give me a reason to love you”, book presentation and gallery solo
exhibition, Münster, Germany
Female Artists Society Künstlerinnenforum e.V. “Amerika. Give me a reason to love you”, solo
exhibition and authors reading, public library, Bielefeld, Germany
Gallery Van Laak-Bérenger “Der Hibiskus blutet”, solo exhibition and authors reading at the public
library, Bielefeld, Germany
Synagoge Art Society: “Monuments”, solo exhibition, Oerlinghausen, Germany

Museum Kunsthalle Bielefeld and Bielefelder Kunstverein: „Die Unsterblichen“, two solo exhibitions,
Bielefeld, Germany
Museum Marta: „OWL 1 /2007“, group exhibition, Herford, Germany
Museum Marta: „Leere x Vision, Körper und Gegenstände“, international group exhibition, Herford,
NRW, Germany
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Neuchâtel: “Big is Beautyful”, group exhibition, Switzerland
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Neuchâtel : « La Grande Illusion », group exhibition, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Basel: WELT-MORAL, Moralvorstellungen in der bildenden Kunst heute, international
group exhibition, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Basel: “Projekt Schweiz“ solo exhibition „Causa Sui“ (manor Kunstpreis), Switzerland

Book designs, illustrations, and literature

1988 Dr. Schnabels Totentanz, Herausgabe und Gestaltung der Kunst- und Literaturkassette mit Beiträgen
von sieben Schriftstellern und sieben Künstlern zum Thema ›Basler Totentanz‹
1989 Im Gras schreit freundlich der Affe, Illustrationen zum Gedichtband von Tadeus Pfeifer, Von Leoper, Karlsruhe
1990 Vorsatzblatt I + II, Edition Stadtbuch, Christoph Merian Stiftung Basel
1992 Das Gedächtnis und die Hand, Illustrationen zu Gedichten von Edmond Jabès, Kleinheinrich, Münster
Das Echo von Bois Râteau, Illustrationen zum Gedichtband von Tadeus Pfeifer, Von Loeper, Karlsruhe
I, Zwei Siebdrucke für die Edition Ars Felix, Basel
1994 Sea & Sky, Kunstkassette mit Siebdrucken zum Gedicht ›Sea & Sky‹ von Robert Lax
Nicht Fisch, nicht Vogel, Neun Schriftsteller und Schriftstellerinnen predigen, Buchillustrationen,
Christoph Merian Stiftung udn Verlag, Basel
2001 Survival Kit for Young Female Artists, Edition Künstlerinnenforum, Bielefeld
2002 Das kann es nicht gewesen sein, Edition, Künstlerinnenforum, Bielefeld
2011 DER HIBISKUS BLUTET, Livre de Peintre, mit Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten, Kleinheinrich, Münster 2011
2013 AMERIKA, GIVE ME A REASON TO LOVE YOU, Livre de Peintre, mit Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten, Kleinheinrich, Münster 2013
2019 CHILDREN AND DICTATORS, Livre de Peintre, mit Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten, Kleinheinrich, Münster 2019,
2021 Das schlafende Krokodil, Roman, Kleinheinrich, Münster 2021
2022 Die Braut, Artists Book with Leporello and DVD, Hybriden Verlag Berlin


1986 Desiropolis, ein interkontinentales Spielzeug, Kat. Kunsthaus Palazzo
1887 Schiess, R., Aspetti dell’ Arte Contemporanea in Svizzera, Kat. Villa Rocca, San Gimignano
1989 Tobler, R., Mannsbilder, Kat. Kunsthaus Palazzo Liestal
Pfeifer, T., Schwellentore: 14 Arbeiten von 16 Künstlerinnen und Künstlern in einer ehemaligen Fabrikhalle, Kat. Ausstellung,          Werkhalle Schafir & Mugglin, Kulturelles Baselland, Liestal
1992 Kellein, T., Elisabeth Masé, Kat. Kunsthalle, Basel
1994 Rüthmüller, C, Balance, Rosshof 5/95, Kunstausstellung im WWZ, Verlag KSM Kulturservice & Eventmarketing
1994 Weltmoral. Moralvorstellungen in der Kunst heute, Kat. Kunsthalle, Basel
2000 Müller, M., Am Rande des Jahrtausends, Kat. Kunstverein, Bielefeld, Kerber
2001 La grande illusion, Kat. Musée d´Art et d´Histoire, Neuchâtel
(mit einem Gespräch zwischen Elisabeth Masé und Not Vital)
Borel, V., Dubois, M., Uni-Sciences Neuchâtel, Kat. Universität Neuchâtel
2003 Souben, V., Kröger, M., Leere x Vision. Körper und Gegenstände, Kat. MARTa, Herford
2007 Hülseweg-Johnen, J., Haidara, A., Hoet, J., Die Unsterblichen, Kat. Kunstverein und Kunsthalle, Bielefeld
(mit einem Interview von Stefanie Heraeus), Kerber Verlag
Benedetti, L., OWL 1. Über die tausend Quellen neben dem Dürstenden in der Wüste, Kat. MARTa, Herford
2009 Müller, H.-J., Monuments, Kat. Kunstverein Synagoge, Oerlinghausen, Verlag Kleinheinrich, Münster
H. J., Elisabeth Masé, in: Künstler. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausgabe 88, München
2019 Ruth Hobday & Geoff Blackwell, 200 Frauen/was uns bewegt, Verlag Elisabeth Sandmann
2020 Maria Visser und Jana Wiking, Thread, “It can view Difficult to Thread Cotton Through a Needle”

Selected Publications

DAS KLEID / LE MANTEAU / DIE BRAUT. Three Folders on three interdisciplinary art projects in German, English and French. Publication by Elisabeth Masé, 2020 – 2022
DAS SCHLAFENDE KROKODIL (The Sleeping Crocodile). Printing and binding Königsdruck, Berlin
Design and typesetting Büro Beckmann, Bielefeld. 2021
How the Light gets In. Museum Publication Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, New York
CHILDREN AND DICTATORS. Published by Kleinheinrich Münster, 2019
200 Women – who will change the way you see the world. Autor: Ruth Hobday & Geoff Blackwell
AMERIKA, GIVE ME A REASON TO LOVE YOU. Artist’s book. Münster 2013
Der Hibiskus blutet/ The Hibiskus is Bleeding. Kleinheinrich, Münster 2011,
Künstler – Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst. Elisabeth Masé. ed. Detlef Bluemler, 2009
Monuments. Kunstverein Oerlinghausen. Publ. Kleinheinrich, Münster, 2009


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